The membership committee manages all aspects of renewing membership for current NCI PAMN members and recruiting new individuals to the organization. Membership drives begin in January. The membership committee maintains the email network of current members.

  • Organize membership drive annually prior to the conference date.
  • Ensure membership process is updated and accurate for classification, payment and membership data, regardless when the membership request is made.
  • Ensure membership survey is implemented and incorporated.
  • Ensure data is tied to the financial reporting.
  • Ensure process for soliciting conference ideas, webinar ideas and product/service expectations is timely/accurate.
  • Ensure membership categories are set up in customer relationship management application, such as senior leaders, general, committee members, organizational type and other groupings.
  • Assign existing members with new members; communicate to both parties, using Constant Contact to send out communications.
  • Collaborate with host committee to identify new members; set up any opportunity for PAMN Pals to meet.


Committee Members

Victoria Warren
External Communications Manager
Dana Farber Cancer Institute
(617) 939-5531

Nicole Fawcett
Director of Communications
University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center
(734) 764-2220

Heidi Findlay
Senior Executive Director, Marketing and Communications
Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
(716) 353-3716

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