The newest member of the Public Affairs & Marketing Network (PAMN) Steering Committee is Javier De Jesus. Learn more about him below.
Javier “Javi” De Jesus is the senior manager of Web & Digital Initiatives at Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University in Atlanta, Ga. In his current role, De Jesus coordinates and implements all digital content and communication channels for Winship. He has over a decade of experience as a digital content and social media strategist along with an extensive background as a marketing and communications professional.
Before joining Winship, he was the marketing manager for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Georgia Chapter, where he led the creation and development of the chapter’s digital communications channels. He earned his B.B.A. in marketing from Georgia State University.
In his personal time, he enjoys spending time with his family, taking part in endurance sports activities and exploring new craft breweries. In addition to his role on the PAMN Steering Committee, De Jesus will be instrumental in helping coordinate the 2022 NAACDO/PAMN conference that Emory is hosting in Atlanta. The 2021 conference will be in Kansas.
“PAMN provides an incredible platform for sharing resources, networking, and solving common issues we face as communicators and marketers at the nation’s top cancer centers,” he said. “I look forward to collaborating with my colleagues on the steering committee and fellow PAMN members. I am thrilled to serve as host of the 2022 annual meeting in Atlanta.”