Message from the Chair

I’ve been thinking about the theme of our 2021 annual meeting—the work we do matters. You may be like me working from home, going from Zoom to Zoom. Others of us might be trying to balance a little of both or going back to the office full-time, taking on new challenges each day.  No matter how you have adapted to the new normal, don’t forget the work we do matters no matter where or how it gets done.

That is why I’m excited that PAMN is leading the communication effort with the National Cancer Institute (NCI) on their National Cancer Act 50th Anniversary commemoration campaign. The work each of our cancer centers has done over the past 50 years has contributed to major advances in cancer care and research, and that matters! Each of our cancer centers will have the opportunity to share how we’ve continued to advance cancer care and further the mission of the NCI over the next year. We recently had the opportunity to learn more from Dr. Ned Sharpless, NCI director, through a webinar on Monday, November 16, 2020. View the recording.

Our steering committee is working hard to solidify our content for our upcoming conference.  Although parts of it may look a little different this year, we are committed to developing sessions that address the challenges you are facing and sharing case studies that will help you in your roles. We are excited to expand our membership this year with a new focus on physician relations and its role in communicating the marketing strategies within the physician community.

We are also exploring new ways to collaborate. Sign up for our Slack channel and collaborate with your colleagues. Don’t forget to renew your membership if you haven’t done so as those dollars help us continue to offer high-quality programs.

Looking forward to connecting with you soon and also in 2021!


Erin McElwain
Chair, PAMN
Sr. Manager, Market Development
University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center

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