Camaraderie in the Cancer World: A PAMN Principle

CHICAGO – Writing from the press room of AACR’s annual meeting, I’m surrounded by reminders that what we do as cancer center communicators and marketers is a team effort.

Present are colleagues from UCSF, the University of Colorado, Dana-Farber, Mass General, Mayo, the University of Michigan, Moffitt, NYU Langone, UNC, UPenn, UPMC, Roswell Park and elsewhere, each of us working to share the good news emanating from our labs and clinics. Sure, there’s competition as we vie for the attention of reporters and patients. But the underlying collegiality, even camaraderie, speaks to who we are as people and to the missions of the institutions we represent.

PAMN encourages and aims to foster collegiality and continuous improvement, for our cancer centers and, ultimately, cancer patients. We hope those who attended our annual conference last month in Seattle witnessed and experienced these principles.

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As AACR 2018 closes and we look forward to ASCO’s annual meeting in June, where our cancer centers will share even more scientific and medical advances, let us remember that our purpose is common. Whether in a lab or clinic, a cubical, corner office or press room, what we do affects people in need. What a shared sense of mission.

Jim Goodwin
Chair, PAMN
Assoc. Director of Strategic Communication, Siteman Cancer Center


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