Identify, create and manage webinar sponsorship opportunities for year-round learning, enabling its members to build and hone their skills, share best practices, and to address important issues in a timely manner. Previous seminars have included topics ranging from social media challenges to interaction with pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. Seminar formats include case studies, lectures and interactive discussion. Draw from experts among our PAMN membership as well as industry experts to lead the seminars. Suggestions on topics and experts are welcome.
- Determine 3 educational webinars and oversee implementation.
- Develop any copy or graphics to describe the event and work with communications subcommittee to promote webinars and archive on the PAMN website.
- Organize any speakers or vendors for each educational event.
- Ensure dissemination of membership invitations/reminders; track RSVPs; send out the feedback survey; convey results.
Committee Members
Cassidy Berry Stevens
Senior Marketing Manager
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
(206) 817-8631
Taylor Lisenby
Digital Communications Manager
University of North Carolina Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center
(919) 451-8162
Jordan Walker
Manager, Communications Strategy
St. Jude Comprehensive Cancer Center
St. Jude Research Hospital
(901) 595-6066